Voices, Power & Attitudes
Voices, Power & Attitudes is one of the 4 research challenges that emerged from our priority setting work in 2019. Below you can find more detail about what research challenge sought to address, and examples of projects Emerging Minds has supported to achieve this.
How can young people’s voices and power be amplified and heard in ways that has a positive impact on their and others’ mental health and wellbeing?
How can societal values, attitudes and behaviours be changed in ways that have a positive impact on children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing?
Voices, Power & Attitudes was the theme of our second funding call which focused on:
- What is the impact of racism on the mental health of children & young people in the UK?
- What interventions will be effective in addressing racism in ways that will benefit children and young people’s mental health?
Artwork credit: Tom Bailey
Projects seeking to address this research challenge include:
Transmission of Experiences of Racism, Anxiety and DEpression in families (TRADE)
Research project led by Dr Yasmin Ahmadzadeh (King’s College London) in partnership with Centre for Mental Health
Young people & self-stigma in mental health
Special Interest Research Group led by Dr Nicola Cogan, Strathclyde University
Understanding young people’s experiences of racially motivated appearance-focused (RMAF) bullying
Research project led by Dr Shioma-Lei Craythorne, Aston University
LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health Research Showcase & Partnership Building
Network building project led by Dr Hazel Marzetti, University of Edinburgh and Dr Catt Turney, The Kite Trust/Off the Record Bristol
Improving wellbeing and mental health relating to racism in 10-11 year olds: a Bristol case study
Research project led by Dr Verity Jones, University of the West of England Bristol
You can find out more about our other research challenges and projects we have supported in relation to them via our research challenges page.
We have compiled a dedicated report (May 2023) on how we drew together our research challenges, the progress made towards them, and our perspective on what remains to be done. We would love you to take a look!