Kick-Off Events
During Autumn 2019 and Spring 2020, we held 13 Kick-Off events both across the United Kingdom and online.
The purpose of these events was to:
launch the Network and engage new members
encourage connections and collaborations across disciplines and sectors
share more detail about the Emerging Minds funding calls which launched in autumn 2019
showcase inspiring examples of relevant research
and facilitate discussions around possible collaborations to address the Emerging Minds research challenges.
Dates and Locations
13 September – Newcastle
16 October – Glasgow
23 October – Swansea
21 November – Nottingham
7 November – Virtual event
18 November – London
25 November – Manchester
29 November – Virtual event
4 December – ECR specific event
10 December – Bristol
16 December – Oxford
20 January – East of England
5 February – Belfast (postponed from November 2019 due to industrial action)
There were 362 attendees across the 13 events. Speakers included Professor Ann John from Swansea University who recorded a podcast with us following one of the events.
In keeping with the Emerging Minds Network’s drive to encourage cross-sector working, the events were held in a variety of settings. We hosted kick-offs at universities, youth hubs, an art centre, and also at a Mental Health Trust.
Several of the meetings also included proposal development workshops. We also held speed networking events to encourage collaboration between those with similar areas of focus.