We hosted our third Open Lab meeting on Tuesday 7 December on the theme:
Racism and children & young people’s mental health in the UK

Our speakers were the successful applicants from our second funding call on Voices, Power & Attitudes, and had the chance to explain more about their upcoming research:
Dr Yasmin Ahmadzadeh (Kings College London) – Transmission of experiences of racism, anxiety and depression in families (TRADE)
Dr Shioma-lei Craythorne (Aston University) – Understanding young people’s experiences of racially motivated appearance focused bullying
Dr Verity Jones (University of West of England) – Improving wellbeing and mental health relating to racism in 10-11 year olds: a Bristol case study
To find out more about their research visit:
In case you missed it, we have shared their presentations below.
To find out more about other Emerging Minds Open Lab meetings, visit https://emergingminds.org.uk/openlab