Open Lab Meeting: June

Engaging with policy
Responding to the call for evidence for the UK Government’s new mental health plan

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The government call for evidence offered a brilliant opportunity to feed in key findings from research, work, and experience to make a impact on the future of mental health in the UK.

Network members joined a practical session in June 2022 hosted by Professor Cathy Creswell to hear advice and discuss ideas for their own submissions.

We heard some great ideas: clearer pathways to early intervention, more integration between services, better inclusion of parents/carers, closing the gaps in the help available, reducing wait times… What’s your priority?

Even though the government call is now closed, the advice here and from our Policy Engagement Week transfers to any policy engagement work you are considering or involved in, so we really encourage you to take a look.

Government Call for Evidence

In 2022 the Department of Health & Social Care began developing a 10-year plan to improve mental health across the UK on behalf of the UK Government.

They wanted to hear from a wide range of networks and stakeholders including researchers, young people, those with lived experience expertise, and practitioners via a public call for evidence.

They asked a broad range of questions from promoting positive mental wellbeing to supporting people in crisis. There was no need to answer all the questions, just those you had an opinion on. Example questions include:

  • How can we promote positive mental wellbeing?
  • How can we prevent the onset of mental illness?
  • How can we intervene earlier when people need support?
  • How can we improve the quality and effectiveness of mental health treatment and support?


Open Lab Advice

You might feel there a lot of barriers to getting involved with the government call for evidence, or other similar initiatives, but we are hoping this thread based on advice Cathy gave at the Open Lab event will help allay concerns.

Government Resources

An infographic about where to start with the call for evidence. You might like to bear in mind "Where are we now?" "Where do we want to be in 10 years' time?" "How do we get there?"

To find out more about previous Emerging Minds Open Lab meetings, visit