This episode of the Emerging Minds podcast features Kadra Abdinasir, Head of Children and Young People’s Mental at the Centre for Mental Health.
The Centre for Mental Health is a member of the leadership team for the Emerging Minds Network and led our initial stakeholder engagement work, alongside Young Minds, to develop the Emerging Minds Network Research Challenges.
In this interview, Kadra discusses the on-going work at the Centre for Mental Health, including their recently published report Making the Grade and the Manifesto to Promote Children and Young People’s Mental Health recently launched by the Children & Young People’s Mental Health Coalition.
She explains how the Centre for Mental Health have worked to engage young people as peer-researchers and how projects such as Shifting the Dial and This is Me aim to help young black men thrive in education and beyond.
Visit the Centre for Mental Health website to find out more about their Health Economic work and explore their guides to help understand commissioning.