Our SIRG will explore the impact of live music on the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.
With a partnership involving Children in Scotland, Scottish Ensemble, Scottish Government, University of Stirling and children and young people themselves, we are keen to understand what circumstances and approaches have an impact, and how we can ensure all children and young people get the opportunity to experience live music, to support their mental health and wellbeing.
Final Report
We are delighted share with you the final report from our SIRG on the future of research on live music and mental health. The Live Music SIRG delivered four workshops over summer 2021 to explore the topic with other young people, policy makers, musicians, children’s organisations and mental health organisations.
Together we generated considerable learning and a series of recommendations that we hoped, can be used to open up more opportunities for children and young people to experience the mental health benefits of seeing live music.
“The atmosphere when seeing music live is unbeatable – the energy is electric and unforgettable” – Young person
The next phase of our work will focus on a series of co-production innovation labs to work up the ideas generated through the initial workshops into some more developed action research projects. We are determined to keep going!
“It makes me feel elated and like the arena is the only place on the planet / in the moment”Young person
You can download and read the full report below.