The Big Emerging Minds Summit

Workshop: Children and young people’s mental health research in the real-world: how to overcome the practical challenges

Led by: Francesca Weber, Alex Brown, Brioney Gee, Jonathan Wilson, and Tim Clarke

This workshop explored the challenges of carrying out children and young people’s mental health research in diverse community settings and offers some potential solutions too. The facilitators shared some of their own experiences, and encouraged a discussion with the attendees, placing a focus on learning from each other and working together to identify possible solutions to shared frustrations. 

Three key messages:
  1. Commit time to identifying what matters on the ground so that findings can make a difference in the real world
  2. Help clinicians think about what research is telling us, and what that might mean for their next steps
  3. Design your benefits into your research, making it a part of the process from the very start
Workshop attendees and facilitators in discussion

This workshop was connected to our Big Question research challenge: how do we implement effective promotion of good mental health, prevention, and early treatment for mental health problems at scale amongst children and young people? 

Check out these pictures from the day!

Photos from Oxford Atelier.

Workshop Live Tweets

You can read a great thread below from @MariaLoades who live-tweeted the workshop.

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