The Big Emerging Minds Summit

Workshop: How can we embrace complexity in neurodivergence and mental health amongst children and young people?

Led by: Georgia Harper, Suzi Sapiets, Laurene Fontan, Giorgia Michelini, Kate Higney, Elizabeth Corcoran, Saffron Baldoza, and Felicity Sedgewick from the Embracing Complexity: Neurodevelopmental Conditions & Mental Health Special Interest Research Group

In this hybrid workshop, the panel (researchers and experts by experience) and attendees considered how to embrace complexity across overlapping neurodivergence and mental health, including how to improve ways to identify and support the needs of neurodivergent children and young people experiencing poor mental health.

Three key messages:
  1. A large proportion of those experiencing mental health challenges are neurodivergent 
  2. Mental ill-health may not look how you expect in neurodivergent people 
  3. Don’t make assumptions – “normal” is different for everyone.

This workshop was connected to our Embracing Complexity research challenge: How can we best meet the needs of children and young people who have intersecting needs and face complex situations? 

Research Reflections Interview

Georgia and Suzi joined us before the Summit to explain their plans for the workshop and some of the key messages they wanted to discuss. You can watch the video below.

Further Resources

Check out these pictures from the day!

Photos from Oxford Atelier and artwork by Tom Bailey (@tombaileyart).

Workshop Live Tweets

You can read a great thread below from Mark who live-tweeted the workshop via @Mental_Elf.

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