The Big Emerging Minds Summit

Workshop: Exploring an arts-based practice to help children talk about experiences of racism

Led by: Verity Jones, Malcolm Richards, Sarah Whitehouse, Tessa Podpadec, Luci Gorell Barnes, Chris Pawson, and Justin Vafadari from the Improving wellbeing and mental health relating to racism in 10-11 year olds: a Bristol case study Project

This workshop discussed how body mapping has been used to support 9-11 year olds to talk about experiences of racism and how it affects them. The team shared their methodology and monitoring tools in this workshop to discuss how and reflect on how these strategies might be drawn on in research. 

Three key messages:
  1. Just because talking about racism with young children might be uncomfortable children want to have these conversations  
  2.  Teachers need to be trained in appropriate pedagogies to support them in talking about racism in school  
  3. Talking about racism doesn’t have to be just about the talking.   

This workshop was connected to our Voices, Power & Attitudes research challenge: How can we amplify young people’s voices and change societal attitudes in ways that positively impact on mental health?  

Audience looking at books and listening to talk

Further Resources

Check out these pictures from the day!

Photos from Oxford Atelier.

Workshop Live Tweets

You can read a great thread below from @HazelMarzetti who live-tweeted the workshop.

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