The Big Emerging Minds Summit

Workshop: LGBTQ+ youth mental health: sharing knowledge and exploring emerging questions

Led by: Catt Turney and Hazel Marzetti from the LGBTQ+ youth mental health project

This cross-sectoral workshop explored recent research, questions, challenges, and gaps in LGBTQ+ youth mental health research. Facilitators and attendees shared their views on best practice, considered future goals and new questions, and identified support or resources needed to address key questions in LGBTQ+ youth mental health.

Three key messages:
  1. To understand LGBTQ+ young people’s mental health difficulties we must take into account both those factors related to being LGBTQ+ and factors that could affect any young person in distress. 
  2. It is difficult for young people in general to access appropriate and timely mental health support, but there are additional barriers experienced by LGBTQ+ young people trying to access mental health support. 
  3. LGBTQ+ young people have clear ideas of the kinds of support they need, and so co-design and collaborative working between services and LGBTQ+ young people is essential to improve mental health support for LGBTQ+ youth. 

This workshop was connected to our Voices, Power & Attitudes research challenge: How can we amplify young people’s voices and change societal attitudes in ways that positively impact on mental health? 

Further Resources

Check out these pictures from the day!

Photos from Oxford Atelier.

Workshop Live Tweets

You can read a great thread below from Molly Murray who live-tweeted the workshop via @smollypsych.

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