The Big Emerging Minds Summit

Workshop: Design your dream school for good mental health

Led by: Nikki Chapman, Emma Soneson, Dave McPartlan, Leanne Walker, and young lived experience experts from the Rethinking Education and My Mind is My Own Special Interest Research Groups 

What does the ‘dream school’ for mental health look like? In this hybrid workshop we discussed key research findings surrounding mental health in schools. Participants then collaborated with each other to discuss ideas for schools that can promote good mental health and developed visual representations of these ideas with the help of an illustrator who works with the team.

Three key messages:
  1. Children & young people had very different experiences of education and mental health during the pandemic.
  2. It’s important to learn from children & young people’s experiences in order to create a better education system moving forward. 
  3. Relationships between young people and adults in schools, are of the utmost importance if issues around mental health are to be fully addressed. 
Embracing Complexity Panel with members on Teams

This workshop was connected to our Supporting the Supporters research challenge: How can young people, family members, and settings be better enabled to help promote good mental health and prevent and overcome emerging mental health problems? 

Research Reflections Interview

Nikki, Dave, and Emma joined us before the Summit to explain their plans for the workshop and some of the key messages they wanted to discuss. You can watch the video below.

The Dream School for Good Mental Health

At the workshop, young people, parents, educators, practitioners, and researchers came together to discuss what their dream school for good mental health looks like. Illustrator Leanne Walker then collated all the themes from these discussions, email submissions, and ideas submitted by online delegates via Mentimeter, to create the image below. 

You are welcome to use and share the illustration – do send us or Rethinking Education a message about how you have used it so they can track its journey!

Further Resources

Check out these pictures from the day!

Photos from Oxford Atelier and artwork by Tom Bailey (@tombaileyart).

Workshop Live Tweets

You can read a great thread below from Mark who live-tweeted the workshop via @Mental_Elf.

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